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McGill University

Tennis ball


McGill University

The Challenge

McGill University’s Department for Sport and Recreation (McGill Athletics and Recreation) wanted to develop a strategic plan including evaluating its programs such as the varsity teams and recreational programs, its sports facilities and organization effectiveness. To do this, it wanted to engage all stakeholders into the strategic planning process and rally them around a common vision.

Our Contribution

Our team of experts in high performance, sports programming, sports facilities and strategic planning met with McGill’s key stakeholders and acted as leader of the strategic planning process with the head management team. The team facilitated the focus groups and consultation and drafted and redefined McGill’s strategic plan and objectives.

The Results

McGill’s strategic action plan has been adopted by management and allows the team to set clear measurable objectives and to strategically guide its investments, decisions and efforts.


Other comparable projects in the academic and educational fields :

  • USports : Development of the USports Strategic Plan
  • RSEQ : Facilitation of strategic planning workshops
  • Laval University : Strategic plan of the Rouge et Or and of the sports services
  • Sherbrooke University : Sport Review and Strategic plan of the Vert et Or
  • Bishop’s University : Sport Program Review and Gaiters Strategic Plan
  • Moncton University : Aigles Bleus Program Review and Strategic Plan
  • McGill University : Professor in Sports Law
  • University of Ottawa : Professor in Sports Law
  • University of Montreal / HEC : Professor in Sports law (sport management)
  • University of Montreal (Carabins) : Legal Counsel
  • College Lionel Groulx : Feasibility study for sort facilities
  • College Bois de Boulogne : Feasibility study for sort facilities